Clark employees donate for those in need
Clark is packing shopping bags for the Tafel
This year, the social work group has once again supported the needy at Christmas and called on Clark employees to take part in a donation campaign for the Tafel in Duisburg. Clark bags were to be filled with food or hygiene articles. Clark was able to hand over a total of 30 bags to the Tafel, which then distributed them to those in need shortly before Christmas.

CLARK Europe presents gifts to children from the Rheinhausen Regenbogenhaus
The Wish Tree Campaign makes Children's Hearts beat faster
For the first time in 2018, CLARK Europe organised a Christmas tree campaign for the children of the Rheinhausen Regenbogenhaus of the Grafschafter Diakonie, the Diakonischen Werk im Kirchenkreis Moers. Altogether 40 girls and boys from the district centre and the language school for refugee children "German and More" („Deutsch und mehr“) wrote down their Christmas present wishes on cards. At the end of November, accompanied by their carers, they handed them in at the Clark European headquarters in Duisburg Asterlagen. The cards hung on the industrial truck manufacturer canteen Christmas tree for three weeks. According to Susanne Radischat from the CLARK Europe GmbH Community Social Group, who organised the Christmas tree campaign. "Any employee who wanted to, could take a card with them and get the desired requested gift." Once again, many CLARK employees took part in the campaign. Shortly before Christmas the gifts were presented to the children. The children travelled to the Asterlagen business park once again to receive the brightly wrapped gifts of cocoa, coffee or fizzy soft drinks and cake from Santa Claus. Whether crayons, Lego sets, footballs, colouring books or cuddly toys everything was immediately enthusiastically tested.

CLARK Europe committed to helping children in need
Kicking out, for a good cause
Again this year the social work group of CLARK Europe GmbH has made a donation to the Badilika e.V. charitable association. Among the events, the lift truck manufacturer organised was summer football tournament. Eight teams consisting of CLARK employees, dealers, suppliers and three teams from VFB Homburg competed. The proceeds from entry fee, raffle and cake sales were donated to Badilika e.V. A total of 2,500 Euros went to the new project of the "Ufulu Nursery Malawi” association. As part of the project, a kindergarten has been established in Malawi, Africa, which was opened in September 2018, caring for 25 children. The association has also managed to raise funds to support the education of children for the next three years, including a regular income for nursery school staff. However, more support is needed as the number of children on the waiting list has grown. The club would like to build a second room and hire more staff. One of the biggest challenges on the ground is the poor health of the children. The association is therefore working closely with the local health centre so that the children receive the necessary vaccinations and preventive medical check-ups. Better nutrition will also improve the children's health. In the future, vegetables will be grown on a separate farm. There are also plans for a poultry farm, so that the children will get meat at least once a month.
Badilika (Kiswahili for "Change") supports education and social projects for children in Kenya and Malawi, Africa. After years of being a purely private engagement of some members, Badilika was founded and registered in October 2006 as an association in Krefeld, Germany. The association is particularly committed to supporting children in remote or socially disadvantaged areas of Kenya. In particular kindergartens, early intervention, school education and health education should benefit as many as possible, especially orphans and physically disabled children. The association members are made up entirely of volunteers. The main objective of their commitment is to guarantee a good education for the children living in the project areas and to introduce further training opportunities. The club motto is: "Education as a tool in the fight against poverty and as a basis for a better future".

CLARK Europe supports the Peace Village in Oberhausen
Sales campaign for sick children from crisis areas
Up to 150 sick children aged between two and twelve from crisis areas across the globe regularly find a temporary home in the Oberhausen Friedensdorf (peace village). The prerequisite for medical treatment in Germany is, firstly, that the children cannot be helped in their home countries. Secondly, it must be ensured that the young patients can return to their families after successful treatment in Germany. If these criteria are met, the children are usually flown to Germany on the recommendation of local doctors, treated by volunteer doctors and homed in the Oberhausen Friedensdorf, where they stay for an average of six months. They play, learn, are treated by doctors and are able, at least temporarily, to forget the war in their homeland.
Friedensdorf International was founded in 1967 in Oberhausen. It is financed exclusively by donations. The registered association helps children from crisis and war zones by participating in aid projects in the affected areas to create hospitals, more peace villages and other social facilities. This is to ensure that in future these countries have sufficient medical resources of their own. As the association relies on external help, the social work group of CLARK Europe GmbH has consistently supported the Peace Village with donations in recent years. In 2018, CLARK presented a check for 2,000 Euros. This was the result of a sales campaign that took place during CeMAT 2018 in Hanover from 03.04. to 31.05.2018, in which for every counterbalance truck and every warehouse truck sold, 100 and 50 Euros were donated respectively.

Clark contributes to Tafel Duisburg
Mobility for a good cause
Clark Europe GmbH once again proved that social engagement is not just a promise but an important part of company culture in action. In a joint project with Mercedes Benz, Lidl and Sparkasse Duisburg, Clark sponsored a new refrigerated vehicle for Tafel Duisburg. The vehicle was urgently needed to respond to donation offers more flexibly. These offers mostly consist of food that has flawless quality but still can no longer be used in the German economic cycle. Thanks to the German Tafel organizations, these food products are no longer discarded but benefit those who are socially and economically disadvantaged – either free or at a symbolic price. The nonprofit Tafel organizations are financed by donations. The donated refrigerated vehicle now enables Tafel Duisburg to support needy people in Duisburg with additional food.
Clark has been an important partner of Tafel Duisburg since 2017. Last year the specialist for material handling equipment already helped Tafel Duisburg purchase a Clark SX16 stacker. Clark does not just offer financial support but also contributes its own staff for work at Tafel Duisburg on a temporary basis. In those cases the Clark employees provide assistance wherever it is needed. “Each of our employees can engage with selected social projects two days a year with full wage continuation,” says Bettina Nottenkämper from the Social Work Group at Clark Europe GmbH. This turns social engagement into real person-to-person help.”

Sharing is caring!
CLARK staff participated again in the care package campaign of the Friedensdorf International, a charitable organization that helps to improve the medical and humanitarian conditions in regions of war and conflict.
The donated parcels filled with foods and groceries will be shipped to needy people in Armenia and Tajikistan who are facing a tough winter and food shortages. This commitment symbolizes CLARK Europe’s “with each other” and “for each other”.
Find out more about the charitable organization Friedensdorf International:

Large auction for a good cause
CLARK auctions off Burden Carrier to benefit the “Regenbogenhaus” in Duisburg
CLARK is aware of the importance of social engagement in our communities by companies and has supported a variety of social projects for many years. In this connection, we focus particularly on helping socially underprivileged and disadvantaged children. “When we found out that the “Regenbogenhaus” in Duisburg needed a new kitchen in order to feed and cook together with refugee children, we simply had to help,” said Bettina Nottenkämper from the work group for social activities within CLARK Europe GmbH. “An auction at the CLARK anniversary celebration came to mind spontaneously.” Before the celebration, the children of the “Regenbogenhaus” designed a CLARK Burden Carrier themselves—and the results were amazing. The multi-colored carrier was well received by CLARK dealers, bids increased quickly and the auction was a great success! Long-time authorized CLARK dealer Vertesker from Hungary is now the proud owner of the “Regenbogenhaus” Burden Carrier. We are happy to be able to present them with the €4,700 needed for the new kitchen, and we would like to thank all of our dealers, especially Vertesker, for the successful auction.

Lending а hand - Making а difference
Community Stewardship As a core value CLARK has a governing principle of supporting our local communities through philanthropy and community service. CLARK recognizes the importance of being a good corporate citizen, the value of charitable nonprofit organizations in our communities, and we support them in various ways. By providing support for projects and initiatives that reflect the goals and values of our company, we enrich communities and help improve quality of life where we work and live.
The Social Working Group of CLARK Europe GmbH has done a fantastic job. With kind and cash donations, CLARK could help children from Olpe in Sauerland to Croatia to Kenya. “We make a point not merely to pay lip service, but to best help directly,” explains Social Working Group member Julia Strehl, “in all charity projects we ensure through personal contacts that every cent and every care package reaches its destination and goes to a good cause. Especially since help from the people for the people always leads to renewed motivation.”
Give your children a better future!
Since 2013 CLARK Europe’s social working group has been supporting the non-profit organization Badilika e.V., which engages in education and social programs for children in Kenya. Badilika e.V. helps children in rural and socially disadvantaged regions in Kenya with the main goal of providing a good school education as well as training programs in the “Madaraka Education Center Mombasa“, which has been built with the help of donations – true to the motto: education as a means in the fight against poverty and as a foundation for a better future!
It’s particularly important to us to support reputable and trustworthy organizations. All members work on an honorary basis and bear all expenses for traveling, food, telephone, internet etc. themselves. Because of that and our personal contact to founder Rebecca Schwarz, we decided to support Badilika e.V. This way we can ensure that every cent donated goes directly to the benefit of those Kenyan children!
Several employees of CLARK Europe are already sponsoring a child. A donation of only 20€ per month enables one child to go to the full-day school and provides them with teaching materials, regular meals, medical care, vaccinations and a new school uniform once a year.
If you’re interested in taking over a personal sponsorship, or if you wish to contribute in another way or have any questions, please send an e-mail to mail@badilika.org. You’re also more than welcome to make a single donation to the following donations account:
Badilika e.V.
Deutsche Bank Krefeld
IBAN: DE22 320 700 240 0880443 00
Please spread the word and help make a change! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!