Dealer News - Deceuninck celebrates 25 years in business and 20 years of partnership with Clark
Deceuninck Hendrik BV, based in Izegem, Belgium, is celebrating both its 25th anniversary and its 20-year partnership with Clark Europe this year.
Deceuninck Hendrik has not only developed into a successful materials handling vehicle specialist in recent years, but is also a reliable partner for the sales and service of Clark materials handling vehicles in Belgium.
The foundation stone for the success story was laid by the company founder Hendrik Deceuninck – a farmer's son from the small Belgian community of Lendelede. With experience as a field service technician at the company TVH and later as workshop leader at TVH, his love for the forklift trade grew quickly, so that in 1995 he took the step into self-employment and founded his own company, Deceuninck Hendrik BV, at his home in Lendelede. Deceuninck quickly made a name for himself in the Belgian forklift world.
Deceuninck Hendrik BVBA
In 1996 already, Deceuninck moved into a newly built warehouse in Blekerijstraat in Izegem – the current company headquarters. After being a regional Clark dealer since 1995 Deceuninck Hendrik BV became in 2001, the main importer of the CLARK brand in Belgium. Maarten Deceuninck joined in his father's footsteps in 2010 to further develop the company. In 2018, Deceuninck expanded the range of warehouse trucks and became an importer of Flexi Narrow Aisle stackers.
There are now around 30 employees working in sales, service and administration. In addition to several dealers who are responsible for service in their region, Deceuninck has a powerful team of service technicians in Belgium who offer customers a reliable and fast service. In addition, there is a team of technicians for repairing trucks on site. Their tasks also include the preparation and inspection of new and the reconditioning of used materials handling vehicles. The company thus offers its customers a first-class product portfolio covering all aspects of materials handling vehicles.
"For us, the Deceuninck company is synonymous with successful entrepreneurship because it is characterised by the 7 essential features: Vision, Passion, Motivation, Risk Taking, Curiosity, Creativity and Reliability," says Rolf Eiten, President & CEO, Clark Europe. "We are proud to have Deceuninck as part of the Clark team."